It's A Killer
Just been apprised of a very excellent fan ' trailer ' for one of British comics most excellent creations - Slaine, the work of superb writer Pat Mills. Pat's worked with a bunch of folks on this series about a Celtic hero of past times, including the amazing Mike McMahon, the incredible Glenn Fabry, and even little old me for a short sprint in a gaming book ( as seen below ). But the artist who made most impact on it, and kick-started his career with it was the free-wheeling Simon Bisley. Slaine the Horned God grabbed a host of fans and still grabs them - and one of them put together a live-action trailer for a movie I'm sure many fans of the series would dearly love to see made of the strip, and it is now available to see on YouTube. Of course, in the wake of 300, such a movie might be an emminently sensible thing to get off the ground. I only hope the publishers of Slaine have as much energy as the creative fan who put together this cool-looking piece of filming, and take a hint from it, if they are not already trying to make the most of one their most successful and enduring characters.
The trailer is at