French Toast
Next stop in my travels is Hautvillers in France for their second comics festival, BD-Bulles. I'll be there this weekend from Friday to Sunday - as will the amazing and extraordinary Vendetta touring exhibition detailed in a previous entry on this site - so if you're in the area, please come along. This festival is held in the Champagne region, so there couldn't really be a much better place to pop along to for a sketch from some great artists from the Continent and one from little old England.
Among other guests at this ideal meeting point for aficionados of the medium are Bruno BELLAMY - DAV - Elvire DE COCK - Juliette DERENNE - Bruno DI SANO - Jean-Louis DRESS - ESTEBAN - Thib GORDON - Antonio LAPONE - Olivier MARIN - Pascal MILLET - Pascal REGNAULD - Jean-Marc STALNER - Edmond TOURRIOL- Luc TURLAN - Virginie VERTONGHEN - Marc WASTERLAIN - WYLLOW.