Paris When It Sizzles... Or Drizzles
For a full week earlier this month I was helping out some clever students - one of their pieces seen below - in the study of sequential art at an excellent art school in Switzerland very soon after my trips to Canada and Erlangen, so I'm regrettably late in updating here again! At least I've avoided the gap of a full month between posts this time...
Though I'm not working on a project involving pencils and paper right now, it's amazing to me how the peripheral activities to my work - in the form of promoting it, or in charitable pursuits connected with it - take up as much time as I might have spent on some of the tightest, longest deadline jobs of my career. We all know how dealing with emails and researching on the internet can eat up the hours, and I've learnt to accept the burden of it, but weren't computers supposed to be designed to save us time? For instance, the seemingly unending, and unneccessarily complicated, job of trying to spread the word of the existence of Cartoon Classroom to those who should hear of it, takes up days and weeks in front of the computer - and no-one I've spoken to in all the appropriate areas to enquire from seems able to supply me with the information to cut that time down very much. At least I can comfort myself with the fact that it would take much longer without a computer. Though that's little comfort in reality when I'm looking at a monitor for so long each day... : (
Next signing for me is in Paris next week and weekend, when it will be sizzling, as it is here in England at the moment, or drizzling - the conditions I tend to take with me whenever I visit there, as some of my Parisian friends could tell you... The event is the Paris Comicon at the Paris-Nord Villepinte Exhibition Centre. Detail at I'm there from the 1st July to the 4th July and I'll be signing from 3.15-4.15 and from 5-6.30 on Thursday, from 10.30am-12.00 and 6-7 on Friday, 10.30am-12.45 and 2-4 and 4.45-6.30 on Saturday, and on Sunday from 2-4 then 4.30-6pm. I'll also be taking part in panels and be interviewed, as well. More detail at the website...
If you're in Paris come and say hi. As you can see from the schedule, there are plenty of opportunities for you to do that : )