Hi, Friends!
As you'll have seen from the home text, this site has been away for a while as an active communicator of news and info! Facebook and other things substituted for what I did here once before the pause and they still do ; but I'm happy to be back here, posting when I can, and with what I can, for all those wanting to see it. Much of it may well repeat what's already on Facebook and similar, but as my time's heavily taken up by the publishing and editing of Aces Weekly, you'll understand the reason for duplicating rather than repeating!
Aces Weekly, is a passion for me. In the 21st century, when technology can bring great comics art to an enormous readership through the simple act of putting pages on screen instead of putting them through a complex and expensive process of reproduction, printing, and distribution, it's a denial of their potential, and the potential of their creators, to not do so. If this is the first time you've heard of Aces Weekly, please check out its link here and take advantage of what it offers : )
Till later, amigos!